Criminal Policy of the Iraqi Legislator to Confront the Crimes of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances in the Light of Law No. (50) of 2017


  • Wisam Mohammed Khalifah Al-Emam Al- Adham University College - department of Law
  • Ammar Rajab Moasher College of Law - University of Fallujah


Criminal policy, Iraqi legislator, crimes of narcotic drugs


The crime of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is one of the most serious phenomena that have spread widely in the world in general and in Iraq in particular, especially after 2003. Therefore, legislators in various countries have adopted a strict criminal policy against drug crimes based on the criminalization of the largest number of acts constituting drug crimes. They impose the most severe penalties against perpetrators. Since adapting a successful criminal policy to combat drug crimes will result in adequate protection for individuals, state authorities and society as a whole to achieve community security at all levels, there should be an identification of the gaps in legislation of drug combating that hinder the combating process. Also, the best ways to address these gaps should be identified.


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