The Substantive Conditions of the General Amnesty Law No.27 of 2016


  • Hamza Hilal Elias University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq
  • Alaa El Din Mohamed Hamdan University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


substantive Conditions, General Amnesty Law No.27


The general amnesty law is one of the important laws and at the same time has many caveats. Therefore, the society is intended to restrict the validity of its provisions despite its public attribute by substantive conditions so that the law can achieve the inherent purpose of its legislation which is represented by the social interest. These conditions are set out exclusively by the legislator, but at the same time, the Supreme Judicial Council is empowered to issue instructions to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of the law. Thus, the judiciary represented by the Court of Cassation has a role in interpreting the texts and completing the legislative deficit, in a manner consistent with the legislative idea of the law.


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سادساً : قرارات المحاكم :

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V. قرار محكمة استئناف القادسية الاتحادية، العدد 255/ت/عفو/2017 في 15/3/2017، غير منشور.

VI. قرار محكمة استئناف القادسية بصفتها التمييزية، العدد 333/ت/عفو/2017، 13/6/2017، غير منشور.

VII. قرار محكمة التمييز الاتحادية، العدد 7866/الهيأة الجزائية/2017 في 20/8/2017، غير منشور.

VIII. قرار لجنة تطبيق قانون العفو العام رقم 27 لسنة 2016 المرقم 4291/اللجنة الثانية/2017 في 22/11/2017، غير منشور.

IX. قرار محكمة التمييز الاتحادية، العدد 11023/الهيأة الجزائية/2017، 27/11/2017، غير منشور.

X. قرار محكمة التمييز الاتحادية، العدد 17731/الهيأة الجزائية/2017 في 22/11/2017، غير منشور.

XI. قرار محكمة التمييز الاتحادية، العدد 12008/الهيأة الجزائية/2017 في 18/12/2017، غير منشور.

XII. قرار اللجنة المختصة بتطبيق قانون العفو العام رقم 27 لسنة 2016، العدد 2011 /اللجنة الثانية /2017 في 21/12/2017، غير منشور.


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I. Decision of the Federal Court of Cassation, No. 967 / first criminal commission /2011, 23/1/2011, unpublished

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III. The decision of the Najaf Federal Court of Appeal as discriminatory No. 22/TC / 2017 on 16/1/2017, unpublished.

IV. The decision of the Federal Court of Cassation, No. 8/criminal commission/2017 on 5/2/2017, unpublished.

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VII. The decision of the Federal Court of Cassation, No. 7866/criminal commission/2017 on 20/8/2017, unpublished.

VIII. The decision of the committee for the application of the general amnesty law No. 27 of 2016 No. 4291/second Committee/2017 on 22/11/2017, unpublished.

IX. Decision of the Federal Court of Cassation, No. 11023/criminal commission/2017, 27/11/2017, unpublished.

X. The decision of the Federal Court of Cassation, No. 17731/criminal commission/2017 on 22/11/2017, unpublished.

XI. The decision of the Federal Court of Cassation, No. 12008/criminal commission/2017 on 18/12/2017, unpublished.

XII. The decision of the competent committee on the application of the general amnesty law No. 27 of 2016, No. 2011 /Second Committee /2017 on 21/12/2017, unpublished.




