The principles of Human Rights and Cultural Collision


  • Khalifa Ibrahim Uda Al-Temimi University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


Principles, human rights, cultural collision


The international human rights cultural system focuses mainly on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1966, which recognized cultural diversity, rights and multiculturalism, based on the following principles:
Equality between cultures: The rejection of discrimination between nations and peoples, the non-recognition of the idea of cultural superiority or domination, and the racist concepts on which it is based. It can be said that cultural diversity is a multiplicity of visions, forms and patterns of expression in societies. By itself, this enriches the knowledge and diversity of its streams in the framework of unity, because each one has cultural patterns, and cultural heritage. It is also impossible to imagine a cultural diversity on the meaning of collision and conflict, considering that cultural diversity is the development of cultures, enhancement of their capabilities, and acquirement of human dimensions. Therefore, cultural identity should not be confined within a narrow privacy that prevents its emergence into cosmic space in order to harmonize with the human rights system in its cosmic dimension, such as the recognition of the other, the development of the spirit of tolerance, the dissemination of a culture of peace and cooperation among human beings and the rejection of the ideas of collision, conflict and ha
The imposition of the right to cultural diversity is a necessary condition, as it is an inalienable right of individuals, peoples and civilizations to express their existence freely, as in the issue of cultural diversity and intellectual difference. It is essentially the forms of freedoms and the forms of peoples' right to self-cultural determination, where the culture of a certain people is a source of wealth for other cultures in the framework of cooperation and understanding.
The researcher reached to a number of conclusions, the most important of which are:
1. The right to culture is one of the rights recognized by human rights covenants whether within the framework of the United Nations or at the level of regional conventions. However, the researcher found no convention on culture, cultural diversity and respect for multiculturalism.
2. The theory of civilizations collision and the end of history which considers cultural diversity as its starting point and on which it based its arguments, are non-innocent theories aimed at mobilizing public opinion against the other for marketing the idea of the victory of neo-liberal capitalism.
3. Cultural diversity broadens the choices made for individuals and societies to attain satisfactory intellectual, moral and spiritual life, and defending cultural diversity is inseparable from respect for human dignity. It imposes an obligation to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms. No one is permitted to depend on cultural diversity to Violate or limit human rights guaranteed by international instruments.
The researcher reaches to a number of recommendations, the most important of which were:
1. The United Nations should adopt an international convention of culture and cultural diversity that goes in line with its approach of transforming from generalization to specialization in most human rights to give greater protection and respect for multiculturalism.
2. The educational institutions should pay great attention to instilling the concepts of openness to diverse cultures and accepting the other on the basis of coexistence through the curricula in order to build a human personality that believes in multiculturalism and protects it from the danger of extremist ideas in order to preserve civil peace and ensure international peace and security.


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