Prohibition and Combating Terrorist Acts in International Humanitarian Law


  • Nadher Ahmed Mandel Faculty of Law - University of Tikrit
  • Adam Samaian Theab College of Law - University of Tikrit


Prohibition, Terrorist Acts, International Humanitarian Law


The phenomenon of terrorism has become one of contemporary armed conflicts’ challenges facing international humanitarian law. It has reappointed certain problems about the relationship between State security and the protection of individuals. This has led to a review of the adequacy of international humanitarian law in an unprecedented way. As the world attempted to complete the "Geneva Conventions of 1949, with the additional Protocols of 1977", especially after the attacks on many countries.
The possibility of terrorist acts in the times of armed conflicts existing in this sensitive period governed by the law of armed conflicts or international humanitarian law. It is described as a period of many violations for protected rights in various ways, including terrorism, as well as the detention of persons arrested in order to combat terrorism.
Which must be done within a clear and appropriate legal framework by respecting all relevant procedural guarantees. International humanitarian law has tried to address the phenomenon of terrorism by criminalizing it and punishing those who committed such crimes by bearing the responsibility. It also addressed some of the concepts and terminology that are necessary to take advantage of the protection of this law during armed conflicts, such as combatants and civilians who are venerable to be terrorists.


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