Administrative and Judicial Oversight of Administrative Decisions


  • Enas Moayed Jassim University of Diyala - College of law and Political Science


control, administrative, judicial, decisions


Subjecting administration to the rules of law in practicing different aspects of activities is not sufficient as to guarantying its obligations. So, administration needs to be observed so as to issue decisions according to administration legitimacy or it mat abort what had been issued illegally. For the aforementioned, the aim of the research is identifying administrative oversight and judicial oversight. In addition, the study is going to identify the administrative decisions. The researcher depended on the analytical method and, at the end of the research, the study reached important conclusions; stating that observing administrative decisions by the judicial oversight is better than observing the decisions by the administrative oversight sine the judicial oversight is independent, objective, and neutral and  the administrative decisions would be legal. The researcher recommends activating the role of the judge via more authority concerning the appeals against decisions that issued by administration.


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