Procedures and Nature of Compensation In Criminal Justice System


  • Khalifa Ibrahim Uda Al-Tamimi University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq
  • Nour Sabah Yassir University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


Procedures of Compensation, Criminal Justice


Victim compensation has become of a great important subject in the domestic legal system. Many of legislations have to be amended or modified along with the new ideas of the criminal system and modern criminal policy. Among these basic considerations, controlling these amendments is the attempt of directing the functions of systems towards taking care of the victims of military operations, military errors, terrorist operations, practices of the former regime, and victims of judicial mistakes. As such, amendments shall realize justice for the victims through an active contribution of the criminal justice by means of facilitating the procedures for the compensation applicants to enable them to receive fair and speedy compensation according to the nature of the crime or the damage that the victim suffered from. Coming up with a result that the victims have the right of calling for obtaining fair compensation as the criminal justice system is associated with protecting the rights of defendants and convicted people as well as  supporting and compensating the victims.       The study also comes up with several recommendations. One of them is Iraqi legislator needs to approve the law of compensation. Where the detainees people and those who are sentenced with acquittal or being released should be compensated as the requirements of criminal justice system. Because this will be as a violation of the individual's right. Thus, damages will not be limited to this extent but to include the detainee’s dependents too.   Accordingly, this law needs to be approved for the sake of fair compensation for the victims.


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