Baath Party and ISIS is a one approach in violation of human rights


  • Waleed Abdul Ghaffar Al - Shahib Al - Halli Secretary General of the Human Rights Foundation in Iraq


Baath Party, ISIS, Human rights


The leaders of the Baath Party had supported the establishment of ISIS in Syria and Iraq during 2012-2013, with the help of intelligence services for some Arab and foreign countries. Thousands of the Baath party troops of the  military, security, intelligence, Republican Guard, and private security, in addition to Saddam's special forces called "Fedaeyee Saddam" were involved in violating Human Rights along with ISIS  terrorists group. Izzat Al-Douri and other leaders of the Baath Party were planning to get a full control upon ISIS forces, but they failed to do so.  Ibrahim al-Badri ( Abo Bakir Al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS) and many of the terrorists, about 23,000,    from different nationalities were planning and working together, while they were imprisoned, during 2003-2011. Then, after their release from the  prison of the United States in Iraq  (Boca), they  established Al- Qaeda and then ISIS Organizations. The research has been divided into four parts:  First part is entitled : Baath party's crimes , Second Part is entitled:  the Human rights' Violations, Third Part is entitled: Various Violations and the Fourth part is  Discussing  the research results with the references.


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