Cyber Security and its Impact on the Iraqi National Security


  • Mustafa Ibrahim Salman AlShamari University of Baghdad – Center of Strategic and International Studies


Cyber security, cyberspace, national security, Iraq, terrorism


Cyber security is one of the most important issues in our contemporary life by virtue of its direct relationship with all areas of public life, including politics, economy, security, culture, etc. Most countries of the world depend on it in their official and non-official institutions especially in their infrastructure. Thus, caring for it and avoiding its weaknesses is one of the security priorities of all countries. The cyber war represents the fifth generation of the contemporary wars and it is the most dangerous of which because of the great damage it causes to the infrastructure of any country and the consequent direct impact on the lives of citizens.
Iraq, especially since 2003 due to openness to the world and the development in the technical and information field, has become more vulnerable to cyber-attacks.


المصادر باللغة العربية:

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