The legal status of the customer in the commercial establishment


  • Thurgham Mahmood Kadhim Iraqi University - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


Legal status, customer, commercial establishment


The commercial establishment or the commercial store, or the store is regarded as one of the means used in the Trade and Business Law. Despite the importance of this institution as the window through which the merchant can perform his activity and discharge the product of his work, as well as the rights related to it, and contrary to the position of some comparative legislation, we find that the Iraqi legislator in light of the rules established under the effective trade law No. 30 of 1984, has not undertaken provisions related to this establishment and its concept except for some general indications when explaining the provisions related to the trade name as in the text of Article (24 / second). It only stipulates that (It is not permissible to dispose of the trade name independently of the commercial shop). In spite of the unity of the commercial institution, it differs from legal or legal persons such as companies in that the commercial establishment is a facility owned by one or more persons that do not have a legal personality. I do not have an independent legal entity, and therefore I have a financial liability independent of the receivables of the owners it has. Despite that the commercial establishment is a moral and movable property having a financial value that can be disposed of in all kinds of legal dispositions such as selling, mortgaging and renting, and a share in the company can be offered. The issue of research in the commercial establishment raises the question of the presence of clients in it and their legal adaptation and the extent to which this element in the commercial organization can be considered as an element of financial value, which is what the study used to deal with.


اولاً: المراجع:

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ثانياً: القوانين:

I. القانون المدني العراقي رقم 40 لسنة 1951.

II. قانون التجارة الاردني رقم 12 لسنة 1966.

III. قانون التجارة اللبناني الصادر بالمرسوم الاشتراعي رقم 11 تاريخ 11/7/1967.

IV. قانون التجارة العراقي السابق رقم 149 لسنة 1970.

V. قانون ايجار العقار العراقي رقم 87 لسنة 1979 المعدل.

VI. قانون التجارة العراقي رقم 30 لسنة 1984.

VII. قانون الاسماء التجارية الاردني، رقم 9 لسنة 2006.


First: references:

I. Dr. Ahmed Mahrez, commercial law, Hassan press, Cairo, 1986.

II. Dr. Aktham Amin al-Kholy, summary in commercial law, Part One, without a year of publication.

III. Dr. Amin Mohamed Hoteit, Lebanese Trade Law, University author house, 2007.

IV. Dr. Bassem Mohamed Saleh, Commercial Law-first section, alatek for the book industry, Beirut, without a year of publication.

V. Dr. Hosni Masri, commercial law, Part I, 1971.

VI. Khair Abdul Rahman Al-Samadi, illegal competition and means of protection from it, Amman, 2004.

VII. Dr. Said Youssef Al-Bustani, business and corporate law, Al-Halabi human rights publications, Beirut, second edition, 2008.

VIII. Dr. Student Hassan Moussa, commercial shop, research published in the Journal of the judiciary, the third issue, July 1971, the twenty-sixth year.

IX. Dr. Farouk Ibrahim Jassim, the brief in Iraqi commercial law, Al-sisban publishing house, Baghdad 2015.

X. Dr. Aziz Al-Akili, the mediator in explaining commercial law, Part One, House of culture for publishing and distribution, First Edition, 2008.

XI. Dr. Ali Younis, the commercial shop, Cairo, 1974, without a house or year of publication.

XII. Aliyan al-Sharif, Mustafa Salman and Rashad al-Asar, commercial law principles and concepts, Dar Al-Masirah publishing, distribution and printing, Amman, first edition, 2000.

XIII. Dr. Mustafa Kamal Taha, a brief in commercial law, without a publishing house or year.

XIV. Dr. Mohsen Shafik, the mediator in the Egyptian Commercial Law, Part One, Second Edition, 1968.

Second: the laws:

I. Iraqi Civil Law No. 40 of 1951.

II. Jordanian Trade Law No. 12 of 1966.

III. The Lebanese trade law issued by Legislative Decree No. 11 dated 11/7/1967.

IV. The former Iraqi Trade Law No. 149 of 1970.

V. Iraqi Real Estate Rental Law No. 87 of 1979 as amended.

VI. Iraqi Trade Law No. 30 of 1984.

VII. Jordanian trade names Law No. 9 of 2006.




