Challenges of Investment in Iraq


  • Rafid Ibrahim Khalil University of Diyala – College of Law and political Sciences - Iraq
  • Abbas Fadhel Jawad Aldulaimi University of Diyala – College of Law and political Sciences - Iraq
  • Ala'a Aldeen Mohammed Hamdan University of Diyala – College of Law and political Sciences - Iraq


Investment,, financial administrative corruption, administrative decentralization


Investment is today the most important method in developing countries. It is the basis for achieving development in their economic, social and political dimensions, which in turn give countries stability and well-being. The axis of investment and development as a right has now become the third generation of human. When referring to the shape and size of investments in Iraq after 2003, we find that the ways of progress are very weak in relation to the size of the wealth and available investment opportunities. This weakness and retreat is due to several determinants, the most important of which is the planning crisis, the multiplicity of legislation, the form of state administration and the shift towards administrative decentralization in addition to the most important determinant of administrative and financial corruption that had a great impact on Delaying the wheel of the country in general and investment in particular.


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