Reasons for delayed completion of basic laws that supplement the constitution of Iraq for the year 2005


  • Mustafa AbdulMoniem Yassien University of Diyala – College of Law and political Sciences - Iraq
  • Ala'a Aldeen Mohammed Hamdan University of Diyala – College of Law and political Sciences - Iraq


Delayed completion of the extra-basic laws, that complement the constitution of Iraq


The change that took place in Iraq in (2003) and the political and armed conflicts that accompanied it, opened the door to a set of challenges and obstacles, making the House of Representatives an arena for these conflicts. It therefore suffeed from the slow pace of resolving laws that are central to the stability and future of Iraq on the political and economic levels. All social issues, such as the oil and gas law, the Federation Council law, and other important laws referred to in the Iraqi constitution of (2005), to be regulated by a law are among the obstacles that accompanied the legislative process. There is still the absence of a legislative policy that takes into account the priority laws that contributes to building State institutions and meet the desire of the individual and society.This absence is  due to the preoccupation of the members of the legislative authority in a struggle to share political interests arising from participation in power, not in order to prepare for the building of a stable institutions state. Add to that the preoccupation of the members of the House of Representatives to meet the demands of their constituents and their absence from attending the sessions of the Council made them far from their main duty which is to legislate. The legislative process faced great challenges represented in the failure to properly implement the political consensus that Iraq adopted after 2003, which led to delaying the enactment of many laws, or the enactment of laws with special benefits for the political blocs participating in the political process at the expense of society. The lack of trust between the political blocs represented in the House of Representatives constitutes a major challenge in enacting laws that affect the lives and dignity of individuals. All these obstacles and challenges have led to the failure to enact laws that contribute to building a state of institutions that guarantee the rights and freedoms of individuals.


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