Criminal responsibility for transmitting infection with the Coronavirus


  • Hasan Hussein Mansoor Lawyer and legal researcher Alexandria University


Criminal Liability, Transmission, Coronavirus


One of the most important international principles that have been applied in general within the international community is what has been called the "Syracuse principles". This is done by the International Human Rights Committee held in 1984, which recognized the right of states to take preventive measures and not adhere to international obligations, in accordance with the text of Article 4 of the International Covenant on Rights Civil and political rights in the event of an exceptional danger threatening human life in addition to what came in the International Health Regulations of 2005 issued by the World Health Organization. The purpose is to show the right of any country to impose restrictions on the rights and freedoms of individuals in the event of a health emergency and an epidemic or its spread, as in the Corona pandemicSince the Corona Covid 19 virus is an infectious disease that originates through an unknown and new virus, science has not reached a cure or a vaccine for it, and this dangerous disease that is transmitted through coughing and other methods of infection, causes pneumonia in addition to deathThe problem that we are exposed to in the study is premeditated and wrongful killing by transmitting infection with the Coronavirus in addition to the crime of refraining from reporting infection with the Coronavirus. The study also try to determin the extent of the responsibility of the infection carrier in the two crimes of intentional or wrongful killing, and the crime of refraining from reporting.


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