Issuing new shares in light of the Corona pandemic is a way to guarantee to old shareholders their portfolios of the management of the iss


  • . Husam Abdullatif Muhi University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


New Stocks, Corona Pandemic, Company Management


The company may need to increase its capital for several goals such as extinguishing a financial loss it suffered due to the disruption of work on a project or an economic activity specified in its contract in light of the Corona pandemic. And that the owners of the joint-stock company (the old shareholders) intend to issue new shares to achieve this increase. Nevertheless, this issuance has positive repercussions because it leads to financing the company with the funds it needs to restart its activity again. It also has negative repercussions because it leads to the entry of new shareholders to the company, which results in reducing the financial and political rights of the old shareholders. However, we will limit our discussion to only one type of political rights for old shareholders, which is to maintain the company's management (the majority vote.(


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