The impact of the Corona pandemic on political ideas As a dimension of the general system


  • Mohammed Kadhim Hashim Mahdi University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


Public Order, Political Ideas, Corona Pandemic, Liberalism, Socialism, Religious Thought


This study analyzes the impact of the Corona pandemic on political ideas since the ways of dealing with the spread of the virus and ways to control it were a true test of the philosophies of multiple ruling in order to assess its efficiency and effectiveness. The need to write this study emerged due to the importance of knowing the effects of the pandemic on political ideas as - that is, political ideas - the basis and focus of political science. The study centers on clarifying  the impact of the Corona pandemic on political ideas and philosophies as well as the changes that it has created or will create in the field of political thought, and the effect of this change on the public order. This is because political values ​​and ideals in themselves represent an important dimension of the public order. As stated in the definition of the general system it is : "The set of rules that relate to the foundations of the country's social, political and economic system. Violating and deleting them would constitute an assault on the public order and a breach of it." Based on the foregoing, the problematic and question of this research is: What is the impact of the Corona pandemic on political ideas as a dimension of public order? The assumption is that the Corona pandemic affected political ideas, which will be reflected on political behavior and public order.


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