The Function of Democratic Transformation in Establishing Electoral Awareness out of Human Rights Perspective


  • Abbas Fadhil Aldulaemi President of Diyala University


Democratic transformation, Establishing, Electoral Awareness, Human rights


Human rights are the most prominent concept in today's world for establishing good judgment in accordance with international standards. Where good judgment will be realized through elections. As the link between human rights and good judgment is the gateway to elections. Creating electoral awareness is the most effective approach to good judgment as a result for the acquisition of the right of shaping the state and its destiny on short or long term. We certainly believe that the modernity of the democratic experiment in Iraq, its complex conditions, in a conflicted regional environment following the imbalance in the social energy engines and the racial, sectarian, national and ethnic diversity of Iraqi society made the parliamentary model as a unidirectional. As all powers are participants in authority and all powers are opposed to such authority that produced a hybrid entity of democracy known and common in global societies. In addition, to call for a serious institutional pause to reshape the electoral awareness and in accordance with the nature of democratic transformation stemming from the concept of human right in any society was the advice in the state administration. Assigning the self and the rooting of this discourse in the human psyche needs sincere belief to present the concepts before the Iraqi voter. In order to see through the models presented and what related to them a glimmer of hope in repairing the weaknesses in the Iraqi political process, which took place after 2003 in accordance with the world Rapid changes such as the change of the great cognitive revolution. The democratic transition is a complex process per se, as it is witnessing various forms and kinds of conflicts. Therefore, it takes many forms that are the basis for shaping the ideal form of democracy and its civilizational foundations and its political, social and economic repercussions. Thus, we proposed an electoral system that contributes to reinforcing the strengths for the Democratic system in the new Iraq.


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