Constitutional guarantees of the human right to Education in the Iraqi Constitution 2005


  • Mustafa Saeed Abdel Reda University of Diyala – College of Law and political Sciences - Iraq
  • Alaa El Din Mohamed Hamdan University of Diyala – College of Law and political Sciences - Iraq


Guarantees, Right to Education, Iraqi constitution


There is a set of constitutional guarantees aimed at guaranteeing and respecting public rights and freedoms in general, and the right to education in particular, and not to violate it or to prejudice it. They are approved by democratic systems and internal constitutions, which constitute a basic essence in the human enjoyment of the right to education. There are many guarantees that help protect the right to education, but the most important, in our estimation, which was stipulated in the Iraqi constitution for the year 2005, lies in the necessity of a flexible constitution that stipulates the adoption of the principle of the rule of law, the application of the principle of equality, as well as the adoption of the principle of separation of powers. And we will deal with each of them in a separate discussion.


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