Iraqi universities and their role in promoting citizenship after 2003


  • Muntaser Hussein Jawad Imam Al-Kadhim College - Department of Political Science
  • Humam Abdul Kadhim Rabih Imam Al-Kadhim College - Department of Political Science


Universities, professor, citizenship, democratic values, society


The university environment plays an important role in the consolidation of democratic values and human behavior. The university is at the top of the educational system to build human resources that respond to the principles of comprehensive social development, entrusted with the task of formulating young people in thought, action and conscience. The university environment is considered a center of civilizational ray for any society. The university is one of the most important social institutions that affect and are affected by the surrounding social atmosphere. It is made by society on the one hand and on the other hand it is its tool in making its technical, professional, political and intellectual leadership. The existence of the university environment is associated with the existence of three important things: thought, science and civilization. These concepts are interrelated and complement each other, and the university has a specific mission and goals which are teaching, scientific research, and community service. These public jobs do not differ according to time and place. The university environment has an important role in promoting democratic values and community service, which are determined by the functions of preparing human resources, conducting scientific research, contributing to political and social formation, transfer of culture, working to consolidate democratic values, solving community problems, and working to serve and develop it.


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