Criminal Policy in the Law No. (8) of 2018 to Protect Teachers, Teachers, Supervisors and Educational Counselor


  • Hassan Falih Hassan Ministry of Education - General Directorate of Education in Maysan Governorate


criminalization policy, risk criterion, privacy of interest, punishment policy, the principle of proportionality between punishment and crime.


The policy of Criminalization and punishment in the law of protecting teachers, supervisors, and counselors No8 for 2018 has a distinctive character. That because it aims at fighting offence, tribal accountability, and extort that an officer may face during accomplishing his official job. Such an issue has been an Iraqi phenomenon. So the Iraqi legislator has legislated a law to protect education staff. Such a procedure is peculiar to a specific crime and to protect a specific group of people considering criminalization as a legal and reality idea as to achieving the aim. This means that the legislator managed precautionary legislation as a policy of criminalization. The punishment policy combines justice and pragmatism which is imposed by the nature of criminalization. So the legislator has adopted balance between crime and punishment namely; the legislator managed a conciliatory method combining ultimate justice with pragmatism as a punishment policy. 


أولا: المعاجم:

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ثانيًا: الكتب:

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ثالثًا: الأطاريح العلمية الجامعية:

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رابعًا: البحوث:

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خامسًا: القوانين:

Fifth: Laws:

I. قانون العقوبات العراقي رقم (111) لسنة 1969 المعدل.

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V. قانون حماية المعلمين والمدرسين والمشرفين والمرشدين التربويين رقم (8) لسنة 2018.


First: glossaries:

First: Dictionaries:

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II. Louis Maalouf, the upholsterer in the language, nineteenth edition, Catholic press, Beirut, no Year of printing.

Secondly: books:

Second: books:

I. Dr. Ahmed Shawky Omar Abu-step, crimes of endangering public danger, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo, 1999.

II. Dr. Ahmed Fathi Sorour, the origins of criminal politics, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo, 1972.

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VI. Dr. Jalal Tharwat, explanation of the Penal Code, General section, University House, Beirut, 1989.

VII. Dr. Khalid Majid Abdul Hamid al-Jubouri, the general theory of preventive criminalization, first edition, Arab Center, Cairo, 2018.

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IX. Dr. Abdul Rahman Badawi, philosophy of law and politics Immanuel Kant, publications agency, Kuwait, 1979.

X. Dr. Fakhry Abdel Razzak Salbi Hadithi, explanation of the Penal Code General section, second edition, alatek company, Cairo, 2010.

XI. Dr. Fahad Hadi Habtoor, judicial individualization of punishment, House of culture, Amman, 2014.

XII. Dr. Fawzia Abdel Sattar, principles of Criminology and punishment science, fifth edition, Arab renaissance House, Beirut, 1985.

XIII. Dr. Qasem Turki Awad Janabi, career in Criminal Law, first edition, Halabi publications, Beirut, 2018.

XIV. Dr. Mohamed Zaki Abu Amer, a study in the principles of Criminology and punishment, technical printing and publishing, Alexandria, 1987.

XV. Dr. Mahmoud Galal Taha, the origins of criminalization and punishment in contemporary criminal policy, first edition, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 2005.

XVI. Dr. Mahmoud Naguib Hosny, explanation of the Penal Code, General section, Arab renaissance House, Cairo, 1962.

XVII. Dr. Mahmoud Naguib Hosny, the science of punishment, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo, 1973.

XVIII. Dr. Munther Kamal Abdul Latif, criminal policy in the Iraqi Penal Code, second edition, Baghdad literary press, Baghdad, 1979.

Third: University theses:

Third: University scientific theses:

I. Mohammed Hamid Abdul, necessity and proportionality in criminalization and punishment, PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Babylon, 2000.

Fourth: research:

Third: Researches:

I. Dr. Adel Azer, the concept of legal interest, a research published in the National Criminal Journal, a scientific journal issued by the National Center for social and criminal Research, Vol.15, No. 3, January, Cairo, 1972.

II. Dr. Ammar Abbas al-Husseini, punitive individualization in Iraqi and Comparative Law, a research published in the Journal of the Islamic University College, a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal issued by the Islamic University, No. 10, Najaf Al-Ashraf, 2009.

Fifth: the laws:

Fifth: Laws:

I. Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969 as amended.

II. Resolution of the Revolutionary Command Council (dissolved) No. 24 of 1997.

III. Law No. 6 of 2008 as amended (law amending fines contained in penal code No. 111 of 1969 as amended and other special laws).

IV. Ministry of Education Law No. 22 of 2011.

V. The law on the protection of teachers, teachers, supervisors and educational mentors No. 8 of 2018.




