The Basics of Behavioral Means in Financial Law


  • Yarob Mohammed Mhady College of rights - Tikrit University
  • Prof. Dr. Ahmad khalaf hassin Tikrit University - College of rights


methods, behavioral, foundations, financial Law


Behavioral means are included in the subject of behavioral economics. Therefore, this means, like any other scientific phenomenon, needs foundations or pillars to rely on. It cannot emerge from the void. Therefore, these foundations or pillars branch out or expand to include historical and legal aspects. The goal of this research is to explore a historical and legal basis for behavioral means, and it is considered a new method in developing financial laws and the work of institutions and financial departments in Iraq from banks and financial departments to achieve distinguished results in the process of issuing financial laws and management style, facilitating the decision-making process and motivating employees to increase production capacity according to the principle (what is light and expensive) i.e. Increasing production at the lowest costs, as well as by relying on behavioral means with its tools of stimulation, alert and soft skills, making financial laws more social and attractive, and keeping them away from isolationism and complexity, by introducing them into new molds of construction, which is the template of behavioral methods that work through their tools in engaging the moral aspects and behavior in the process of economic analysis to come up with an integrated vision that harmonizes between The material and moral task in the analysis process in one dish to achieve the best desired results


اولاً: الكتب:

First: Boks:

I. د. احمد خلف حسين الدخيل: الاقتصاد السلوكي ثورة ضد المبادئ التقليدية للقانون، ط1، مكتبة القانون المقارن، بغداد2020.

II. د. ابهيجت بانيرجي واستر دوفلو: اقتصاد الفقراء، ترجمة، انور الشامي، ط1، دار جامعة حمد بن خليفة للنشر، الدوحة، 2016.

III. د. احمد حسن النجار: الاقتصاد السلوكي وتطبيقاته عالمياً، ط1، مكتبة الملك فهد الوطنية،الرياض،المملكة العربية السعوديه، 2019.

IV. د. جون ماينر كينز: النظرية العامة للتشغيل والفائدة والنقود، ترجمة الهام عيد اروس، ط1، دار العين للنشر، القاهرة، 2010.

V. د. دانيال كانمان: التفكير السريع والبطيء: ترجمة شيماء طه المرشدي ومحمد نصر طنطاوي، مؤسسة هنداوي، بلا سنة نشر.

VI. د. ريتشار ثالر: التنبيه وتحسين القرار بشأن الصحة والثروة والسعادة، مترجم، بلا مكان ولا سنة نشر.

ثانياً: الرسائل و الاطاريح الجامعية:

Second: Academic Theses and Dissertations:

I. بوزيد صبرينة: قانون المنافسة للأمن القانوني أم تصور جديد للأمن القانوني، رسالة ماجستير مقدمة الى كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية، جامعة 8 ماي، الجزائر، 2016.

II. حسن شاكر الشمري و وحيد حمودي علي: نظرية المالية السلوكية كمدخل لإدارة المخاطر الفاعلة دراسة استطلاعية لآراء العاملين في شركات الصناعات العراقية، بحث منشور في مجلة المثنى للعلوم الإدارية والاقتصادية، مجلد 8، ع3، 2018.

ثالثاً: البحوث والمقالات:

Third: Researches and Essays:

I. د. احمد بن عبد الله الزهراني واحمد محمد حمدي: التحيزات السلوكية،بحث منشور في المجلة العربية، المملكة العربية السعودية، مج 23،ع11،2018.

II. سامية هاني عجيل: القيادة الناعمة ودورها في تحقيق الالتزام التنظيمي، دراسة حالة في مجموعة من المصارف الخاصة في كريلاء المقدسة والنجف وبابل، بحث منشور في مجلة الإدارة والاقتصاد، ع25، مجلد 7، اذار 2018.

III. د. محمد احمد الافندي: مقولات بالاقتصاد السلوكي وعلاقتها بالاقتصاد التقليدي، بحث منشور في مجلة الدراسات الاجتماعية، مجلد 25، ع3، سبتمبر 2019.

رابعاً: القوانين:

Fourth: Laws:

I. دستور جمهورية العراق لسنة 2005 النافذ .

II. دستور جمهورية مصر العربية لسنة2014المعدل.

III. قانون ضريبة العقار العراقي رقم 162 لسنة 1959.

IV. قانون ضريبة العرصات رقم 26 لسنة 1962.

V. قانون ضريبة الدخل العراقي رقم 113 لسنة 1982.

VI. قانون الكمارك العراقي رقم 23لسنة 1984.

خامساً: المصادر المنشورة على مواقع شبكة الانترنيت:

Fifth: Online Resources:

I. د. هاشم عبد الرحمن تكروري: حمورابي وتعاليم السماء – حوار المتمدن 2017 /5/31، مقال منشور على الموقعs.asp

list of sources:

First: the books:

I. Dr. Ahmed Khalaf Hussein Al-Dakhil: Behavioral economics is a revolution against the traditional principles of law, 1st edition, Comparative Law Library, Baghdad 2020.

II. Dr. Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo: The Economy of the Poor, translation, Anwar Al-Shami, 1st edition, Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press, Doha, 2016.

III. Dr. Ahmed Hassan Al-Najjar: Behavioral Economics and Its Global Applications, 1st Edition, King Fahd National Library, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2019.

IV. Dr. John Miner Keynes: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, translated by Elham Eid Arous, 1st edition, Al Ain Publishing House, Cairo, 2010.

V. Dr. Daniel Kahneman: Fast and Slow Thinking: Translated by Shaima Taha Al-Murshidi and Muhammad Nasr Tantawi, Hindawi Foundation, no publication year.

VI. Dr. Richard Thaler: Warning and Improvement in Decision regarding Health, Wealth, and Happiness, translated, with no place, no year of publication.

Second: Theses and theses:

I. Bouzid Sabrina: Competition Law for Legal Security or a New Perception of Legal Security, Master’s Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of May 8, Algeria, 2016.

II. Hassan Shaker Al-Shammari and Waheed Hamoudi Ali: Behavioral Finance Theory as an Entry to Effective Risk Management An exploratory study of the opinions of employees in Iraqi industrial companies, research published in Al-Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Volume 8, Volume 3, 2018.

Third. Research and articles:

I. Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Al-Afandi: Statements of behavioral economics and their relationship to traditional economics, research published in the Journal of Social Studies, Volume 25, Volume 3, September 2019.2. Dr. Hashem Abdel Rahman Takrouri: Hammurabi and the Teachings of Heaven - Dialogue Al-Motadden 5/31/2017, an article published on the website s.asp

Fourth, the laws:

I. (22,27,28) of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005 in force.

II. (27, 28, 36, 38) of the amended Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt for the year 2014.

III. (24) of the Iraqi Real Estate Tax Law No. 162 of 1959.

IV. (6 and 7) of the Ararat Tax Law No. 26 of 1962.

V. (6, 49, 50) of the Iraqi Income Tax Law No. 113 of 1982.

VI. (78) of the Iraqi Customs Law No. 23 of 1984.


First: the books:

First: Boks:

I. Dr. Ahmed Khalaf Hussein al-Dakhil: behavioral economics is a revolution against the traditional principles of law, i1, library of Comparative Law, Baghdad 2020.

II. Dr. Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo: the economy of the poor, translated by Anwar al-Shami, Vol. 1, Hamad bin Khalifa University Publishing House, Doha, 2016.

III. Dr. Ahmed Hassan al-Najjar: behavioral economics and its applications globally, Vol. 1, King Fahd National Library, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2019.

IV. Dr. John Miner Keynes: the general theory of Employment, Interest and money, translated by Elham Eid Arous, Vol.1, Al Ain publishing house, Cairo, 2010.

V. Dr. Daniel Kahneman: Thinking Fast and slow: translated by Shaima Taha al-Morshidi and Mohammad Nasr Tantawi, Hindawi foundation, no publication year.

VI. Dr. Richard Thaler: alerting and improving the decision on health, wealth and happiness, translator, no place, no Year of publication.

Second: theses and University theses:

Second: Academic Theses and Dissertations:

I. Bouzid Sabrina: competition law for legal security or a new conception of legal security, master thesis presented to the Faculty of law and Political Science, University of 8 May, Algeria, 2016.

II. Hassan Shaker Al-Shammari and Wahid Hamoudi Ali: the theory of behavioral finance as an input to effective risk management a survey study of the opinions of employees in Iraqi industrial companies, a research published in Al-Muthanna Journal of administrative and Economic Sciences, vol.8, P3, 2018.

Third: Research and articles:

Third: Researches and Essays:

I. Dr. Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Zahrani and Ahmed Mohammed Hamdi: behavioral biases, research published in the Arabic Journal, Saudi Arabia, Vol.23, P11, 2018.

II. Samia Hani Ajeel: soft leadership and its role in achieving regulatory compliance, a case study in a group of private banks in Holy Karelia, Najaf and Babylon, a research published in the Journal of management and economics, p.25, Vol. 7, March 2018.

III. Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Al-Effendi: sayings in behavioral economics and its relationship to traditional economics, research published in the Journal of Social Studies, Vol.25, P3, September 2019.

Fourth: the laws:

Fourth: Laws:

I. The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005 in force .

II. The Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt for the year 2014, as amended.

III. Iraqi property tax law No. 162 of 1959.

IV. Arasat Tax Law No. 26 of 1962.

V. Iraqi income tax law No. 113 of 1982.

VI. Iraqi customs Law No. 23 of 1984.

Fifth: the sources published on the websites of the internet:

Fifth: Online Resources:

I. Dr. Hashim Abdel Rahman takrouri: Hammurabi and the teachings of heaven-dialogue of the civilized 2017 /5/31, an article published on the websites.asp list of sources:

First: the books:

I. Dr. Ahmed Khalaf Hussein Al-Dakhil: Behavioral economics is a revolution against the traditional principles of law, 1st edition, Comparative Law Library, Baghdad 2020.

II. Dr. Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo: The Economy of the Poor, translation, Anwar Al-Shami, 1st edition, Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press, Doha, 2016.

III. Dr. Ahmed Hassan Al-Najjar: Behavioral Economics and Its Global Applications, 1st Edition, King Fahd National Library, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2019.

IV. Dr. John Miner Keynes: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, translated by Elham Eid Arous, 1st edition, Al Ain Publishing House, Cairo, 2010.

V. Dr. Daniel Kahneman: Fast and Slow Thinking: Translated by Shaima Taha Al-Murshidi and Muhammad Nasr Tantawi, Hindawi Foundation, no publication year.

VI. Dr. Richard Thaler: Warning and Improvement in Decision regarding Health, Wealth, and Happiness, translated, with no place, no year of publication.

Second: Theses and theses:

I. Bouzid Sabrina: Competition Law for Legal Security or a New Perception of Legal Security, Master’s Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of May 8, Algeria, 2016.

II. Hassan Shaker Al-Shammari and Waheed Hamoudi Ali: Behavioral Finance Theory as an Entry to Effective Risk Management An exploratory study of the opinions of employees in Iraqi industrial companies, research published in Al-Muthanna Journal of Administrative and




