Assurances for Distribution of Competences between Federal and Territorial Authorities in the Iraqi Constitution


  • Farid Kareem Ali Member of State Council - Iraq


Assurances, Distribution of Competences, Federal Authorities, Territorial Authorities, The Iraqi constitution


The texts of Iraqi constitution implied the essential components of political decentralization, specifically as regards territorial autonomy, and the  distribution of competences between the federal and territorial  authorities, but what must be pointed out in this respect , the text alone is  inadequate, to ensure that,  previously mentioned, distribution is not exceeded. The constitution must imply the procedures that involve the stability and constancy of this distribution, as well as its application, on the contrary, the federal system cannot be properly applied, so long as the federal authority prejudices the competences of territory whenever it wants, the constitution consequently endorses in setting up a Federal Supreme Court and makes it part of the judicial institutions, its role is to control, the constitutionality of the laws, existing legislation,  explanation the texts of  constitution. The law ensures that the Council of Ministers, individual stakeholders and others, have a holistic right to appeal directly to the court in the case if any of the constitutional texts are infringed.


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ثالثاً: المواقع الالكترونية:

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III. موقع السلطة القضائية الالكتروني والمنشور على الموقع الالكتروني:


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