The Obstacles of Achieving Popular Sovereignty and its Consequences


  • Muhanad Dhia'a AbdulKadir Faculty of Law- Mustansiriya University


obstacles, Sovereignty, popular


The current research entitled (The Obstacles of achieving Popular Sovereignty and its Consequences) speaks of a very important subject, a subject that in a way or another is related to all legal and political studies and theories of popular sovereignty and the meaning of this sovereignty as a real reflection of the authority of the people. This research focuses on the factors that lead to the disruption of this idea and make it popular sovereignty at the level of description only without extending it to the reality. When the idea of popular sovereignty is disrupted, it loses its legitimacy and the consent of the people. And, when the gap between the people and the authority, there will be another way that people follow to correct the legal situations doubtlessly. This road was not painted by the constitutional and legal texts, but by the popular desire to restore the real power to its real source, the people.


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