Tort Liability Resulting from the Violation of the Online Right to Privacy


  • Hamodi Baker Hamodi Al- Imam Al- Adham University College


Liability, Tort, the right, Privacy


The right to privacy is one of the most important human rights. It is the pillar and pivot upon which his dignity depends. What is meant by this right is the ability and freedom of every citizen in the state to which he belongs to save his own property and information. Therefore, the specificities of the individuals have to be guaranteed, maintained and protected from all kinds of violations and deprivation. At the international and regional level, many agreements and conferences have been held which have a major role to provide the required protection as an important human right. At the local level, the state must protect these specificities through the enactment of the necessary legislation to prevent the violation of this right. In addition to the protection provided by the Civil Code through the rules of tort liability resulting from the violation of this right and how it is compensated whether the harm is material or ethical.


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