The Role of Research Centers & Jewish Lobby in American Foreign Policy Making


  • Ahmed AbdulAmeer AlAnbari Center for Strategic and International Studies - University of Baghdad


Research Centers, Jewish Lobby, Foreign Policy, USA


Foreign policy making for the United States of America is a process contributed by a number of institutions, including research centers and the Jewish lobby. The motives that have led to their existence as institutions having an impact on making such policy vary. As the means used by each of them to influence this policy differ as well in order to contribute to its decisions and to determine its orientations and priorities.
Along with the expansion and overlap of international relations and with much jostle of information, the decision-maker is no longer able to follow it up, take note of its details, and then take decisions about it. This is creating the need to establish research centers that provide policy advice to decision-makers. While the need for the Jewish lobby was focused on providing American support for Israel and ensuring its security, which has gained a high priority in US foreign policy of the Middle East.


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