The Role of Local Governments and Administrative Authority in the Region in Protecting and Providing Safe Water Iraq as a Model


  • Ramadan Gazal Naman University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Sciences
  • Raad Saleh Ali University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • Blasim Adnan Abdullah University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science


local government, administrative authority, safe water, Iraq


The protection and provision of safe water is one of the most prominent and most important duties of the central government and the administrative authority in Kurdistan region which, in turn, authorized the provincial councils a role in protecting and enhancing environment. The research aims at highlighting the role of the local governments in the protection and providing water through legal and administrative authority. The research managed the descriptive analytical method for the legislations and the end of the research, the researcher reached significant conclusions; the provincial councils should be authorized legally to protect and enhance environment.


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Holly Quran:

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