Political empowerment of women in successive Iraqi constitutions A comparative study


  • Abeer Walhan Hameed Ministry of Education- General Directorate of Education in Diyala
  • Hussein Ali Hussein Ibrahem University of Diyala-College of Law And Political Science




political empowerment, women, Iraqi constitutions


Study topics on issues related to women are of great importance, including the topic of political empowerment, which means the use of policies and procedures that aim to support women’s participation in public life through participation in decision-making and formulation of policies that have a direct impact on the political system and its various institutions. International covenants and conventions have influenced the principle of equality between men and women, and their provisions have worked to reduce the gender gap and eliminate discrimination in all its forms in light of women holding government positions. It is appreciated that the topic of the research relates to Iraqi women, as the issue of their political empowerment has gained great importance and has been achieved

There has been progress in terms of Iraqi women assuming state positions and their contribution to political decision-making. The political and constitutional history in Iraq indicates that the issue of women’s empowerment has varied from one constitution to another, starting from the 1925 constitution, which belittled women’s rights and did not explicitly refer to them, through the constitutions of the Republican era before the year 2003, up to the permanent and effective Constitution of Iraq for the year 2005, which witnessed a great development in its explicit and clear reference to women in more than one place, which is what is discussed in detail in this research.


القرآن الكريم

أولاً: الدساتير والقوانين:

I. الدستور العراقي المؤقت لعام 1958.

II. الدستور العراقي المؤقت لعام 1963.

III. الدستور العراقي المؤقت لعام 1964.

IV. الدستور العراقي المؤقت لعام 1970.

V. دستور جمهورية العراق الدائم لعام 2005، المادة 14.

VI. القانون الاساسي العراقي (الدستور) لعام 1925.

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رابعاً: الانترنت:

I. معجم المعاني: https://www.almaany.com/ar/dict/ar-ar


First: The Holy Qur’an

First: Constitutions and laws:

I. The Interim Iraqi Constitution of 1958.

II. The Interim Iraqi Constitution of 1963.

III. The Interim Iraqi Constitution of 1964.

IV. The Interim Iraqi Constitution of 1970.

V. Permanent Constitution of the Republic of Iraq 2005, Article 14.

VI. The Iraqi Basic Law (Constitution) of 1925.

Second: Books:

I. Ibtisam Sami Hamid, The Parliamentary Role of Women, Al-Arabi Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2015.

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Fourth: The Internet:

I. Dictionary of meanings:https://www.almaany.com/ar/dict/ar-ar

